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December 26, 2011

NI2 writings

Dear NI2, I'd like you to have a look at these compositions of your classmates. They are simple, well-structured and  to the point.Have a good day!  Ni2 articles on medicine


Unknown said...

From Almudena Quevedo Navarro
EOI – NI2 – Group F


In Spain, Health Service is a public and free service. Any citizen registered in the Town Hall can profit from Public Health Service. This service is financed by the contribution of workers and tax payers, and it is managed by the government. It seems a good system. However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The most important advantage of Public Health Service in Spain is that it is free and universal. That means everyone has the same opportunities and no one has to pay directly to have access to any tests. In fact, all complex surgeries are done in public health centres. Another advantage is the price of medicines, they cost less if you have a prescription from your doctor in a public health centre. That is due to the fact that government pays part of the cost of medicines.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the waiting lists. In the Spanish Public Health Service the waiting lists are huge, for seeing a specialist as well as for having an operation done; as a result, access to a waiting list does not imply access to health care. Besides, to control public expenditure is more complicated in Public Health Service, and, for example, it leads some health centers to spend more money than necessary just in order to obtain the same quantity of money next year.

As far as I’m concerned, Public Health Service is beneficial for all, but in Spain it has some problems, and I think that should be seen as an opportunity to improve. The main issue is to improve the management so as to use the public money properly, for instance paying for more doctors in health areas with bigger waiting lists and controlling the waste of money in some cases. In conclusion, right management is needed to have a sustainable Public Health Service.

Unknown said...

From Ana Codeceo, NI2


The aim of National Health Service, governed by the general law of health, is the following: “All Spanish citizens and foreign residents in Spain have a right to obtain all the health care service”. Although this system has considerable advantages, there are still a lot improvements to be made.

One the one hand, the system coverage is universal which means that everybody has access to it, even illegal residents, although for these the service may not be free. A clear indicator of this coverage is that 90% of Spanish citizens are affiliated to it.

However, this coverage has a considerable negative impact in the quality of the service; for instance getting and appointment to see a specialist can take several months.

Regarding the quality of service, it is generally very good especially on the primary health care, here you receive the first diagnosis and treatment, through the GP. On the other hand, he may send you to see a specialist. However, as mentioned above, it can take long to get an appointment due the long waiting-list.

Another advantage on the health service is the pharmaceutical prescriptions as these are mostly covered by the administration.

Concerning the staff, they are in continuous training through seminars and researches. It is for this reason that in serious cases, as for example, a heart attack or a risky operation it is better to go to a public hospital than a private one.

On the other hand, although the quality of the staff is good the hospitals are crowded and the attention given to the patients may not enough.

As a conclusion, I personally think that the health public service is good but requires a lot of improvements particularly in the way the economical services are managed.