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January 21, 2012

Key to NI1 exercises

Key to NI1 American Cities, American Cities in Films, p.97

Police Films:  The Fugitive (1993)
Thrillers: Vertigo (1958), The Birds (1963), Bullitt (1968), Pacific Heights (1990)
True Stories about people: Escape from Alcatraz (1979),  Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), Falling Down (1963)
Organized Crime: The Untouchables (1987),The Godfather trilogy, Gangs of New York (2002)
Private Detectives: The Big Sleep (1946), Chinatown (1974)
Comedies: Some like it hot (1959), Pretty Woman (1990)
Musicals: Chicago (2002)

Why I didn't want to be a millionaire. Coursebook, p. 35

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. b
Fortunate: lucky
Charity: an organization which collects money to help people who are poor, sick, etc
Volunteer: somebody who offers or agrees to do something without being forced or paid.
Orphanage: an institution where children without parents live and are looked after.
Deposit: a percentage of the price of somehting you are buying which you pay in advance.
Annoyed: made angry
Adopted: taken by a family and looked after as if they were their own children.
Useful: having a practical use.
Definitely: certainly, without a doubt.

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