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September 03, 2014


This vocabulary will help you to talk and write about jobs:
job: what you do regularly to earn money, especially what you do for a particular company or person.
  • A full-time job is a job that you do for at least the same number of hours a week as people usually work.
  • A part-time job is a job that you do for fewer hours a week than people usually work: My first job was helping in a pet shop. ♦ a full-time bookkeeper ♦ He works full-time for the council. ♦ a part-time bartender ♦ I teach part-time now.
work: something that you do to earn money, or the place where you go to do it: I’ve got a lot of work on at the moment. ♦ Dan’s at work.
career: the jobs someone does over a period of time that involve a particular type of work: a long career in the civil service ♦ a medical career
profession: a type of job that you need a lot of education or special training to do, or all the people who do a particular job like this: I’m a doctor by profession. ♦ the legal profession
occupation: (formal) your usual job: What is your current occupation and salary?
post: a particular job within a company or organization, especially a job with some responsibility: She applied for the post of Senior Marketing Manager at Cadbury Schweppes.
position: a particular job: used especially in advertisements for available jobs: a vacancy for the position of night watchman
getting a job
apply: to officially say, usually in a letter or on a special form, that you would like to be considered for a particular job
CV: a list of your qualifications and work experience that you send to someone who you are hoping to work for
job seeker: (formal) someone who is looking for a job
applicant: someone who applies for a particular job
candidate: someone who is competing with other people for a particular job
interview: a meeting with the people you are hoping to work for where they ask you questions and find out more about you
interviewee: an applicant who is asked to come for an interview
leaving a job
resign: to officially say that you are going to leave your job
quit: (informal) to leave a job
sack or fire: to tell someone that they must leave their job, especially because their work is not good or they have done something wrong: She’s been fired for not meeting her sales targets.
make someone redundant: to tell someone that they no longer have a job because they are not needed any more
retire: to stop working, usually because you are old
 not having a job
unemployed or jobless: used for describing someone who does not have a job but who would like to have one: used also as a noun for referring to people in this position as a group: a jobless welder ♦ Her brother has been unemployed for over a year. ♦ measures to help the unemployed find work
out of work: used for describing someone who does not have a job but who would like to have one: She’s been out of work for six months.
retired: used for describing someone who is not working because they are old: a retired army officer
Source: Macmillan language tips

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