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January 21, 2010

Dialogue Strategies

Dear all,
After our dialogue in class yesterday, I think it would be a good idea to use strategies such as how to keep a conversation going and keep it lively!

Don't forget to check out the gestures and facial expressions we can also use to continue a conversation:

- If you breathe in really sharply, that shows that you're really surprised or you're really shocked at what you've been told.
- If you smile from time to time, that can be encouraging.
- Give a little nod sometimes, as though you're saying 'yes' to show that you do understand what's being said and want to hear more.
- If you shake your head slowly, as if you're saying 'no' when somebody is telling you something sad, that makes it look as though you're sympathetic.
- If you make your mouth look like a large 'O' – you can show great surprise or even shock.
- If you shake your head and smile just a little bit at the same time, that shows that you're amazed by what you hear or a little bit shocked.

Now, listen to this podcast. You'll find it very useful!

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