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September 11, 2012

I won't be there!

Dear NI2 students at Valdezarza school,

I'm afraid that I won't be at your exam on Tuesday 18th nor your speaking test on Friday 21st. At that time I'll be working in another school and another teacher will replace me. Sorry!

I wanted to wish you the best of lucks and an excellent beginning of a new course. 


Anonymous said...

Hello M. José:

Espero sepas disculparme por no dirigirme a ti en inglés, pero es que lo que quiero expresarte me sería muy dificil hacerlo en otro idioma que no fuera el mío.
No sabes cuánto siento lo que nos comunicas en tu blog de que no puedes estar presente en nuestro examen. Yo creo que eso es injusto,cuando menos, pues tu has sido nuestra profesora durante el curso que finaliza, entiendo, en la convocatoria de septiembre. Anyway, me gustaría preguntarte si puedo seguir teniendo acceso a tu blog, aunque no sigas siendo mi profesora. Por otro lado, comentarte que aunque sí me voy a presentar, he faltado a mi promesa y he estudiado muy poco, de manera que no tengo muchas posibilidades de aprobar lo que va a determinar que me echen porque ya no puedo repetir máss veces este nivel según me dijeron en Secretaría este año. Don´t worry, ya veré lo que puedo hacer.
Insisto, siento muchísimo que no puedas sguir en esta Escuela, espero y deseo que te vaya fenomenal y seguiremos en contacto porque creo recordar que tengo tu correo, de manera que me gustaría escribirte allí para contarte y que me cuentes cómo ves la evolución de lo que está pasando.

Un abrazo muy fuerte y VIVA LA ESCUELA PÚBLICA.


Unknown said...

Dear Carmen,

I'm also sorry not to be able to be with you all, but I'm afraid I have to go with the rules...

If you didn't study much in summer, don't worry, there'll be a way to keep studying English. I'm sure.

As for the blog, yes, please, visit it anytime you wish. The only thing is that I may have a different level in the next school course and you may not find it very useful.

Regarding the schools, we should support them and protest because the future is bleak. You just have to check how all of a sudden there are only negative news about the Official Schools:
Is there a plan to deter students from registring at the school?

I wish you all the best and don't give up studying!

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria José,

I'm terriby sorry for this news. I full agree with Carmen and you should be with us durin our last exam. Maybe I won't follow attending to the school any more because I think the tax are very expensive. I'll try to follow others things such as Vaughan TV and Radio or watch movies in OV.
Well, it's a pitty you aren't be able with us but I hope you have a very nice year and are so happy with your new pupils there where you have to be now.
I want to thank you us to be able to use your blog because, although this year you may have another level, I think it could give us much help.


Jorge Berenguer