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September 27, 2010

Writing Assignments

These are the writing assignments for NI1 students throughout the school year:


- 20th – 21st Oct: Describing a holiday (in class), p71 (5b)

- 17th – 18th Nov: Notices at work (2 notices), p73 (5b)

- 15th – 16th Dec: Holiday Arrangements, 75 (5b)

- 10nd – 11rd Jan: A book review, p77 (8b)

- 2th – 3rd Feb: Write an email, p79 (5b)

- 2nd – 3rd March: Letter to a newspaper, p81 (5b)

- 29nd – 30th March: Instructions, p83 (8b)

- 27th – 28th Apr: Write a formal letter to a local newspaper about a problem in your city, p85

- 11th – 12th May: Write a letter of application, p87 (6b)

Describing people, p89, (6b)

Describe an important moment in your life, p93 (6b)

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