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February 28, 2017

How to be more polite

These are nice sentences to express some negatives thoughts:

February 23, 2017

Crave, English Theater

This March
 English Theatre Madrid
by Sarah Kane

CRAVE poster ligero.jpg

Crave is being performed in English on

 Friday 24th March at 20.00 and 21.30
Saturday 25th March at 20.00 and 21.30
Thursday 30th March at 20.00
Friday 31st March at 20.00 and 21.30

at the
Teatro/Sala Trovador
C/ San José, 3  Metro: Antón Martín

Tickets cost 12€ 

The seating capacity is just 55 seats per performance
Book early, don't be disappointed

Book now on 634 952 679 or at

Fragments of memory. Shards of poetry. Scattered relics of relationships.

Sarah Kane's starkly beautiful play threads together four frayed voices into a powerful tapestry of words.

English Theatre Madrid presents a dynamic new production of Crave. The company does justice to Kane's dark lyricism, while also showing the shafts of bleak humour that break through and illuminate this dark play of the soul.

Trozos de memoria. Fragmentos de poesía. Reliquias dispersas de relaciones.

La bella y rotunda obra de Sarah Kane ensarta cuatro voces deshilachadas en un poderoso tapiz de palabras.

English Theatre Madrid presenta una nueva y dinámica producción de Crave. La compañía hace justicia al lirismo oscuro de Kane, mientras que muestra las pinceladas de humor sombrío que rompen e iluminan esta oscura obra del alma.

February 21, 2017



I wanted to remind you of the activities to work on these days:

American Cities Reader:
  • p 97, exercise 1
  • Read Chapter 8 on New Orleans
  • p 105, exercise 1
  • p 106-7, exercises 2 and 3
  • p 108-110, exercises 1, 2, 5

My Grammar Lab:
  • p 56: Unit 19, -ed/-ing adjectives
  • p 62-3: Unit 22, Comparative structures
  • p 146-147: Unit 49, Rules

KEY to erxercises on pages 90-1 from American Cities:

February 16, 2017

Email expressions

Don't miss these useful expressions to write emails!

Living language

The Oxford Dictionary of English is continuously supplemented with over 1,000 new words each year! Some of our favourite recent additions include:

  • Yogalates
A combination of pilates exercises with youga postures and breathing techniques.
  • Moobs
Unusually prominent breasts on a man, typically as a result of excess fat.
As a result
  • Westminster bubble
An insular community of politicians, journalists and civil servants who seem to be out of touch with the experiences of British public.

  • YOLO: "you only live once"
  • FOMO: "fear of missing out", the sinking feeling you get when imagining that other people have more exciting lives than you, often resulting in -and perpetuated by- excessive interest in social media.
Listen to it on Speak Up magazine #377

February 14, 2017

3 & 4 Revise and check


If you wish to take the quiz again, you can click on the link below:

3 & 4 Revise and Check

February 24th: studying abroad


This is some info for those of you interested in studying abroad. We'll hold a meeting at the school on Friday 24th.
Who will come? Write your answer down on the comment, please!



Se dará información sobre el sistema educativo británico, con una conexión por Skype con estudiantes en el Reino Unido para un intercambio de impresiones y ronda de preguntas.

La charla se celebrará en inglés aunque se podrán resolver dudas concretas en español.

Folleto informativo sobre programas de estudio

Love idioms

Happy Valentine!

[Infographic provided by

February 10, 2017

Expressions with "get" and "take"


These expressions with "get" and "take" will surely be useful for you!

February 09, 2017

Chapters 7 and 8


You can listen to Chapter 7 on Los Angeles and Chapter 8 on New Orleans.
It might be a good idea to shadow read (read and listen at the same time).

Have a good day!

February 07, 2017

Mother-in-law from hell or daughter-in-law from hell?

After Reading Carolyn's email to her daughter-in-law (Coursebook, p 40), what do you think? Do you think that Heidi didn't behave according to good manners? Do you think she should have written a thank-you letter? Should she have asked before having a second helping? Should she have waited for everyone to start eating?

Write down you opinion on the comment below!

You may want to read the original article on the Daily Mirror.

February 01, 2017

The world is a beautiful place

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence Ferlinghetti (born March 24, 1919) is an American poet, painter, liberal activist, and the co-founder of City Lights Booksellers & Publishers. Author of poetry, translations, fiction, theatre, art criticism, and film narration, he is best known for A Coney Island of the Mind (1958), a collection of poems that has been translated into nine languages, with sales of over one million copies.

This is the poem Eva chose for her presentation in class yesterday:

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn't half bad
if it isn't you

-ed pronunciation

Dear all,

To get extra practice of the pronunciation of regular past verbs listen to this podcast from the latest Speak Up magazine issue (# 331).

Reviewing chapters 1, 2 and 3


If you would like to review some aspects of American Cities book, you can play the kahoot game again:

American Cities Kahoot