2. How did the wet Easter Bunny dry himself?
3. How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good?
4. What did the Easter Bunny get at the hairdresser’s?
5. What did the Easter Bunny study at university?
6. What do you call an Easter Bunny with no fur?
7. Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
8. What do rabbits do after their wedding?
9. How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
10. How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty Easter basket?
11. What do you call a rabbit that tells good jokes?
12. How do bunnies stay healthy?
B: Hide in the trees and make a noise like a carrot.
C: Eggsercise
D: With a hare-brush.
E: Hare less.
F: None – it won’t be empty if you put something in it.
G: A hare cut.
H: A funny bunny!
I: They go on a bunnymoon.
J: With hare spray.
K: With a hare dryer.
L: He was having a bad hare day.
bunny: (used by or when or talking to children) a rabbit
• fur n = the hair that animals have on their bodies• to dry yourself exp = to use a towel or warm air to take water off your body/hair, etc
• the hairdresser’s n = a shop where they cut your hair
• upset adj = angry and sad
• a “bunnymoon” n = a honeymoon – the holiday people have after they get married
• a bad “hare” day n = a bad hair day – a day when everything goes badly
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Source: Hot English Magazine
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