Our next writing assignment is an article about what being a good parent means. What should good parents do? How different are parents nowadays from before? Are parents today too protective?
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Do you believe in the superstitions?
What is a superstition? According to Wikipedia, it is the belief of which a situation has a magic explanation or mysticism assumed culturally without scientific explanation. Former, the superstitions were very important, the people believed in them, they were myths and beliefs in which there were objects and /or persons with supernatural power. Nowadays, there are few people who believe in the superstitions, nevertheless, we can see it every day in the TV or in the newspapers.
In the first place, we know many superstitions, but not they all are wrong. For example, if a black cat passes ahead from you, it means bad luck; but in the Former Egypt, the cats were representing the gods in the earth, so, the cats were sacred.
Another thing that we consider superstitions are the Horoscopes and the Tarot. The Horoscope deduces how is going to be the life of a person depending on the position of the planets and of the stars the day of the birth. In other hand, the Tarot consists of predicting the future using special letters, every letter with a different meaning. Other superstitions also are: to pass below a stairs, to break a mirror, on 13th Tuesday or to take amulets, among others...
In conclusion, everyone can believe what wants. I don’t believe in superstition, but I admit that some days I read the horoscope in news; it’s entertained to see that none coincides.
Cristina Navarro NI1
Have you ever been protecting in your chilhood? Are you one of those people who thinks that to protect too is dangerous for our children?Do you practice what you preach about education?What do you think about protective parents who feel guilty because they aren't any time to be with their children?
The first thing to consider is the different in the time.Before, the children went to school that it was near the house. The traffic was less therefore ,the risk was lower than now.
One thing to consider is that when the children want to go out with their friends, they used to go near the neigboorhood but now, they like going as far as possible.
Added to that, the parents knew the most friends of their children but now, how the parents are working all day they don't know them.
Another thing to consider is if they don't let their children go out themselves they wont to learn to look after themselves.
In conclusion the parents today are too protective because they are worried about the danger of the society.
I think that if you want happy and healthy kids, give them back their freedom, unless the tomorrow day they will have problems and they won't make up their mind.
Mu personal opinion is that the parents should be hover the children but to let doing things that they think are right.
Isabel de las Heras.
Firstly, I don’t have children, I think if have children I’ll be worry about them all the time, however I’ve seen and I’ve listened something about the education of parents and children and I would like to give my opinion about it.
One on one hand, some parents are extremely attention to his or her child, they want to give them all what they haven’t had in their childhood, I’m absolutely convinced that it can be dangerous for them, because if parents give their kids all stuffs that they want, they won’t to appreciate the value of the things. And sometimes parents give things to them because the parents don’t want to listen them and they know if give that to them children will be quietly.
On the other hand, in this society is really difficult to educate children, the parents are all day out of home, when the children finish the school they have to do extra activities like sports or another things, it’s good but in excess no, the children are really busy, and some grandparents have to take care of them after the class or activities because the parents arrive at home very later. I strongly believe that these children feel really alone, if parents want their kids to grow up happy they should spent more time with them.
To conclude, years ago I think children were freer than now. They ran, jumped, played a lot and sisters and brothers took care each other, actually the parents are loosing the childhood of their children.
Ana Saiz
It is harder being a parent today?
One thing to consider is, the birth of a child has always been a major change in the lives of parents. Having a baby means that we must love and take care of him and this has been so always.
So, what is the difference between today's parents and our parents?
Currently, parent are less children and more information about how to educate them. They want the better
In addition to this, life has change a lot. Cities are bigger with many cars and people distrust their neighbors. For this, parents have many fears and try to over-protect their children. These children spend much time at home and only go out with their parents.
In conclusion, children are more protect but less free than we was but, are they happier than us? This protection helps them become sensible adults?
In my opinion, parents have always tried to educate their children in the best possible way. I'm sure our parents also had doubts and fears about our education, perhaps as big as we have. I think most of them solved these problems with common sense and with love.
Personally I believe that we must take advantage of their experience and we should not worry too much. Our children will be marvelous
Gloria E.
Nowadays parents are too worried about their children. Obviously, parents must be worried about them. But, is it necessary to look after so much?
I strongly believe that this attitude is a mistake. In the past, children were brought up in a more strict way, with a lot of rules and a huge differences between boys and girls. However, they were freer; children could go to any place alone or with their friends, even when they were eight. It is true that streets were safer than currently. Lately, children spend the whole time playing videogames. Most of the parents tell off their children but they prefer that they keep playing videogames instead of walking on the street with their friends. Until the age 13-14, it’s very difficult for most of children to walk alone on the street with freedom, because the street is considered as the place of drugs and alcohol.
I’m absolutely convinced that this is the mistake. In my opinion, children need to grow with freedom, without too many rules and parents’ regrets. Consequently, if children keep growing in this way, they’ll become lazier and unable to defend themselves, even more, to face the real world
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