
Live Radio

October 31, 2014

Halloween Jokes

Happy Halloween!

Today we are going to work with Jokes. Try to find an answer for the following questions and then listen to the audio.

October 29, 2014


Read the first paragraph of this website link about the tradition of ‘trick-or-treating’: and answer the following questions.
1. What do children ask for when they travel from house to house? (Note: the answer is an American word, do you know the British English equivalent?)
2. What question do the children ask?
3. What is usually the ‘trick’?
4. Since when has this tradition been practised in North America?
5. What do homeowners who wish to participate usually do to their houses?
6. In what countries did two traditions similar to trick-or-treating already exist?
7. What were these traditions called?
8. What was different about these to current trick-or-treating traditions?

9. Trick-or-treating has become prevalent in countries outside of America – what do the children ask for in Mexico?

October 27, 2014

Boo!! Halloween is coming

Halloween is coming and there are a few expressions that we need to know. I'd like you to read the following links and find the answer for the questions below.

Apple bobbing
Read the first paragraph of this website link about the rules of apple-bobbing: Answer the following questions and share your answers with a partner. 1. How is the game played?
2. Why are apples used?
3. What do players use to catch the apples?
4. What part of your body are you prevented from using?

October 25, 2014

The Californian's tale

Today you may want to listen and read Mark Twain's The Californian's Tale from VOA English.


October 22, 2014

The big break-out: when street art outgrows the street

Fighter planes breaking ranks, a forest growing from a man’s head, and a zebra making a run for it ... a new book called Concrete Canvas shows off the world’s most mind-boggling street art.

October 21, 2014

October 19, 2014

Mobile mania


Today some very useful phrasals related to the pone from HotEnglish Magazine. Listen to the text by clicking here!


October 16, 2014

8 questions that help determine your life span

San Francisco Bay Area, Calif. Best Place for Eating Right. The "farm to table" movement began here. The region's bounty of produce and year-round growing season make eating healthy—and local—a natural.
Americans can now expect to live longer than ever, a new government report finds. That’s largely because death rates are declining for the leading causes of death, like heart disease, cancer and stroke.
How long will you live? These eight basic questions, calculated by two researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, are some of the most predictive of American life expectancy. “Those are the most important risk factors that we have solid evidence for,” Lyle Ungar, professor of computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania, tells TIME.

The one missing factor? “If you’re in a happy marriage, you will tend to live longer,” he says. “That’s perhaps as important as not smoking, which is to say: huge.” So feel free to give yourself a little bump if you’ve got a happy relationship.
Find out yours in the quiz below (and if you’re on your phone, turn your device sideways):

October 15, 2014

8 Ebola terms

Here are some terms terms in English related to Ebola and a video about it as well: 
  • Incubation period: The time between exposure to a virus and when symptoms start to present, which is two to 21 days in Ebola’s case.
  • Symptomatic: A patient becomes symptomatic when they present symptoms of Ebola, which include fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Contagious: People with strains of the Ebola virus in their blood are only contagious when they are presenting with symptoms (see above). The virus cannot be transmitted before a person is symptomatic, which means that people on the same airplane as Thomas Eric Duncan could not have caught the virus from him.
  • R0: Also called R-nought, it refers to the “estimated reproduction number for infectious diseases.” Put more simply, it’s a formula predicting how contagious a virus is. NPR has a handy graphic on their site showing that Ebola has an R0 of 2, meaning the likely number of people infected by one patient. Measles, by comparison, has an R0 of 18. It is relatively difficult, as we have shown, to spread Ebola.
  • Contact tracing: This involves the laborious process of tracking down anyone whom a patient may have exposed to Ebola. It requires trained public health officials who ask a series of questions about where the patient has been, and how many people he might have interacted with, either face to face or in a room or other contained setting. In West Africa, this is being done by local volunteers who are trained by public health experts.

Source: Time

October 12, 2014

"Heforshe" speech


This is a vindicative speech at the UN for gender equality. Emma Watson raises important issues, don't you think? Would you like to know more about the Heforshe campaign?
Now with subtitles in English.

 Emma Watson's "HeforShe" Speech as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador from UN Women

October 09, 2014

C1 level


As we commented in class, this is the petition for the Official Schools of Languages in Madrid to certify the C1 level.

Sign up clicking on this link:

October 08, 2014

Weird trivia


Why not practice some Reading? and listening at the same time?
Source: Hot English Magazine

October 06, 2014

NI1 Objectives


These are the objectives meant for students at the B1.1 level according to the 31/2007 Decree of 14th June for the Community of Madrid. You may get an overwiew of what is expected from you at the end of the year.

1. Objetivos Generales

El Nivel Intermedio 1 tiene como referencia el nivel B1.1 del Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas. En este nivel el alumno se adiestrará en:
• Utilizar el idioma como medio de comunicación y de expresión personal, tanto en la clase, como en situaciones habituales y sobre temas conocidos.
• Comprender, interactuar y expresarse en esas situaciones, oralmente y por escrito, con alguna fluidez, de forma adecuada, sacando partido de un repertorio lingüístico sencillo, pero amplio.
• Incrementar el conocimiento de los aspectos socioculturales relacionados con las situaciones habituales, así como con los que se refieran al propio ámbito y utilizar las fórmulas sociales, registro y tratamiento apropiados en esas situaciones.
• Interiorizar los recursos lingüísticos adecuados y necesarios para las actividades comunicativas previstas, a través de la práctica funcional y formal.
• Fomentar y diversificar el uso de las estrategias que agilicen la comunicación y el aprendizaje.

October 05, 2014

Kerry James Marshall


Have you visited Kerry James Marshall's exhibition on the Retiro Park (Velázquez Palace). Have a look at some info and we'll comment on it in class.

Kerry James Marshall (1955) is an artist born in Birmingham, Alabama. He now lives in Chicago where he taught at the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is a 1978 graduate of Otis College of Art and Design. Marshall is known for large-scale paintings, sculptures, and other objects that take African-American life and history as their subject matter. His work often deals with the effects of the Civil Rights movement on domestic life, in addition to working with elements of popular culture.


You may want to listen to his speech at Reina Sofía Museum last summer.