
Live Radio

March 30, 2011

Renting a house

You will hear John who is calling about an advertisement he saw in the newspaper to rent a house.

You can listen to the dialogue again and check your answers in this

I hope both Pilar and Trini are feeling better and they come back to the class soon. We all miss you!
Get well soon!

A good impression

There is an expression in English:
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

But what makes a good impression on you? Tell us. Write down your opinion in the "comentarios" section.

March 29, 2011

Time to talk

Would you like to improve your speaking skills? Join students from our school to talk in English in Aula de desdoble (first floor).

Drop by on:

- NB1, Mondays at 16:30

- Tuesdays & Thursdays from 18:30 to 19:30

- Mondays & Wednesdays from 17:30 to 18:30

You may ask the janitors for a box with speaking activities for your level.

March 26, 2011

At the restaurant

Dear NB1,

Why not practice at the restaurant? Listen to this dialogue at a restaurant from and asnwer the following questions:
  1. What did the man have the last time?
  2. What would the woman like for her first course?
  3. What would the man like, but can't have, for a first course?
  4. What will the man have for a first course?
  5. What does the woman want for a main course?
  6. What would the woman like with her main course?
  7. What would the man like for a main course?
  8. What would the man like with his main course?
  9. What will they drink?
  10. Why can't the woman have dessert?
  11. What would the man like for dessert?
  12. Would they like some coffee?
You may need the following vocabulary:
prawn cocktail
roast beef
roast potatoes

March 25, 2011

Liz Taylor

Dear NI1 students,

Just a little homage to Lyz Taylor who died on Wednesday 23rd with this video from You may read the transcript here.

March 18, 2011

Dr Wiseman

Ana from NI1 sent me this link to Dr Wiseman's blog. As we saw in class, he believes that you can work on being lucky and having a positive attitude towards life.

And the interview of Dr Wiseman with Punset in Redes para la Ciencia is to be found in Spanish :-( in this link!
It starts in minute 4.

March 17, 2011

A simple dish

Dear NB1 students,

I would like you to write down a simple recipe in English. You can have a look at how to cook St Patrick's Day cookies in this site to cook with children, circletime kids.

March 16, 2011

Eye on parenting

In this video you've got a few ideas on how to be a good parent. Do you agree with all of them? Did you have any experience similar to the ones told in this video? Tell us!

As for helicopter parents, watch this longer video! Are you one of them?

Some vocabulary you may need to understand the videos in this post is:
practice what you preach

An article

Our next writing assignment is an article about what being a good parent means. What should good parents do? How different are parents nowadays from before? Are parents today too protective?

You can go through a few tips on how to write down articles here.

Why don't you drop your articles in the "comentarios"

March 10, 2011

Conversation Exchange

Dear NB1,

Next Monday, March 14th, at
16:30 there is an exchange of conversation English and Spanish in the study room at our school. You just have to ask at the entrance.
Come and join!

March 08, 2011

California private investigators to search for U.S. student in Spain
By Al Goodman, CNN
March 8, 2011 2:22 a.m. EST

You can read the news about the American guy who was doing an exchange program at Carlos III university and disappeared in Madrid.

  • Austin Taylor Bice, 22, was last seen outside a Madrid disco February 26
  • Friends have put up missing-person posters around Madrid
  • Bice's father has come from the U.S. and says he plans to stay "as long as I need to"

March 07, 2011

Shopping habits

In Expotv site you can watch different videos where common people talk about how they are adapting their shopping habits to a more efficient purchase.

Here there are a few words that you may not understand:
Gas prices soaring

And how about you? How and where is the economy affecting your shopping habits? How are you affected by the recession in your shopping habits? Are you doing anything different from before?

March 04, 2011

Speaking Pairs

Dear students,

This is for the 15:30 Intermediate group. I'm posting the pairs and the time for the speaking exam on March 11th, next week.
Good luck!



Charo Victoria F













Cristina M



Victoria A






Esther N


Esther A Inma




María Salas




March 03, 2011

Welcome to London

Have a look at this site from the BBC learning English with interesting dialogues to visit London!

It follows two characters, John and Fiona, through a series of situations as they arrive and settle down in the city.
If you are planning to visit or want to know more about London, click on these units:

Unit 1: Transport

Unit 2: Hotel

Unit 3: Cinema

Unit 4: Shopping

Unit 5: Work

Unit 6: Eating Out

March 01, 2011

Writing Samples

Dear NI1,

Find two composition writing models in this link. These are an email and a book review by your colleagues Carlos and Esther. Hope you find it useful.